Joshua Tree New Years!
Hannah Fleming
PC:B.Fleming (
Joshua Tree National Park is one of the places i've been most excited to visit since moving here! It is a strange, beautiful place, resembling a movie scene or maybe another planet. Filled with the areas native trees (aptly named Joshua Trees), massive rock formations, and even some tumbleweed, all that was missing was Road Runner. Well, on New Year’s Eve weekend I finally made it out there!
With my new sleeping pad and tent in tow, we set up camp for two nights at Black Rock Campground! Something unique to camping in the desert is how drastic the temperature changes throughout the day. While we were there the temperature reached 60 during the day, and plummeted 40 degrees by the time we were fireside enjoying our pre-dinner soup (simple camp dinner recipe in my Cookbook!)
As this was my first time to Joshua Tree, and over 1,000 square miles of park to discover we tried to pack in as much as we could! Throughout the weekend we explored 49 Palms, Arch Rock and my favorite, Hidden Valley.
PC: B.Fleming (
PC: H.Labadie (